Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Maternity Leave

Thank you to everyone who allowed me to photograph them this spring! And for those who I had to cancel on (darn weather!) you will be given first priority for the fall. I will contact you in August about scheduling.

I have one more shoot before I take off for maternity leave. I will be away from photography for at least 6 weeks after she is born, but will not actively schedule photos after that. If you, or someone else you know, is interested in photos for late summer or fall, I can pencil in a shoot now or August would be a good time to schedule with me. I am considering a slight increase in my prices as my time will be even more valuable once baby #4 arrives and we start our homeschooling this fall. Please check my blog for info about that.

Also, feel free to join the FaceBook page and invite others to join as well! I may be offering up some deals and they will be first come first serve so spotting them on facebook or following the blog are your best bets!

Thanks again for your support and encouragement! I'll let you know when baby girl arrives!

Megan O.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I look forward to following you. You will be in my prayers for a blessed deliver of your little one.